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Q: Why were windows and doorways in medieval buildings arched?
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What new building material did the Romans rely on to construct their large round arched and barrel-valted buildings?


What is the difference between wickiups and wigwams?

The difference between a wigwam and a wikiup is in the languages of the Native Americans who built them, rather than in the structures. The two words mean the same thing: a structure made with a frame that is usually arched, and covered with whatever material was available (such as matting or animal skins). There is a lot of variation in the materials used. Both words ("wigwam" and "wikiup") have been imported into English, but from different Native American languages.

Why do Roman aqueducts have arches?

Romans aqueducts had arches when the water conduit was placed on top of arched bridgework. This was done when the aqueduct crossed a river or a valley or when a gradient was needed to keep a gradient to keep the water flowing in flat areas. Romans aqueducts consisted mostly of underground conduits.

In what area where there advancements in the Middle Ages?

There were advances in just about every area of human endeavor in the Middle Ages. Among the most impressive were advances in law in the Early Middle Ages, and politics, philosophy, science and mathematics in the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. We tend to forget about some of the advances made during this time because they seem so obvious. Someone in Northern Europe of the 11th or 12th century invented chimneys. We take them so much for granted that we act like they were always there. There is a link below to a related question where details can be found.

How did that quality show in roman engineering architecture and philosopher?

The quality of Roman engineering was superb. The Romans are famous for their aqueducts, bridges and stone paved roads. The latter consisted of ditches dug to the rock bed, filled with rubble and gravel up to 1 metre from the surface and paved with rectangular or polygonal stone of lava slabs embedded in a layer of coarse concrete and a layer of fine concrete. The Romans effected what historians have called the Roman or concrete architectural revolution, which was based on the large scale use of concrete, the simple (barrel) arch and the vaulted arch (vault). They invented a type of concrete which was as strong as modern concrete and which also set underwater. It was less fluid than modern concrete and had to be layered by hand. It was cheaper than using stone to build walls and it could be layered by unskilled workers and much more quickly. It could be moulded into shapes by using formwork. The Romans were the first to fully appreciate the strong load bearing capacity of the arch and to make large and monumental ones to to use them expensively. The same applies to the vault, whose load bearing capacity is even stronger and whose structure is suited for large roofs. Arches and vaults were built mostly in concrete, even though the Romans still built masonry ones occasionally. The Romans built groin vaults, which consist of two barrel vaults intersected at right angles which create four curving surfaces that draw the eye up and toward the center. Thee three elements enabled the Romans to build very large buildings and to go beyond the post and lintel system of Greek architecture. The Romans also used the arch to build arched bridged which could be built much longer and could cross much wider rivers and valleys than before. In philosophy the Romans adopted the two main schools of Greek philosophy of their time: Stoicism and Epicureanism. Epicurean philosophers were Lucilius Balbus, Amafinius, Catius Rabirius, and Lucretius. Stoic philosophers were Cicero, Cato the Younger Seneca, Musonius Rufus, Annaeus Cornutus, and the emperor Marcus Aurelius. An important skepticist philosopher was Sextus Empiricus. Plutarch was a Platonist.

Related questions

Who used arched windows?

Archbishops and Archdeacons

What are ideal window covering options for arched windows?

There's only one window covering option for arched windows, and that is using draperies. Draperies add a classic and elegant look to arched windows. We recommend using soft, neutral colors. For professional window treatment advice, visit our website now.

Did the California missions have windows?

Yes, plenty of windows. They are usually built around a garden in a square with long arched corridors.

What Happened with the Australian Play School Windows on ABC TV in Early to Mid 1987?

They dumped the Arched Window for a Triangle Window. When for 20 Years The Windows Order was Square, Arched ,Round, Then it Became Square,Triangle, Round, Knowing That ABC Tv made a Mistake and that Square, Triangle, Round Didn't Belong and how it had been Square, Arched, Round for 20 Years. They Changed it Back to the Familiar Square, Arched, Round Windows Format in Mid 1987.

Which is a major feature of Mediterranean architecture?

A major feature of Mediterranean architecture is the extensive use of outdoor spaces like courtyards, terraces, and gardens that blur the lines between indoors and outdoors. Additionally, Mediterranean architecture is known for its whitewashed stucco walls, red-tiled roofs, and arched doorways and windows.

What new building material did the Romans rely on to construct their large round arched and barrel-valted buildings?


How do you make the Roman Colosseum of cardboard?

To make the Roman Coliseum out of cardboard, cut a shape that looks like a crown. Then cut holes in the cardboard that look like windows and arched doorways. Staple the two ends together into a round figure. This can also be painted white and gray for a more dramatic effect.

An arched or covered passagway?


Why was the Parthenon arched?

The Parthenon is not arched. Look again.

How many syllables in arched?

1 syllable in arched.

When was The Three-Arched Bridge created?

The Three-Arched Bridge was created in 1978.

What is the most important part of an arched bridge?

the keystone is the most important part of an arched bridge. :]