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impact on the south and north were many like the amenment .

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Q: 3 What impact did the Civil War have on both the North and South?
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Was there an economy for both north and south during the civil war?

yes the south agriculture the north industrial

What were some similarities that the south and north had during the civil war?

The South and North both elected their own governments. The North had Lincoln, while the South had elected Davis.

What political similarities did the north and south have during the civil war?

they both have taxes

How did the civil war affect both north and south?

Badly. Differently. Significantly.

One disadvantage for both the north and the south during the civil war?

The north had very little knowledge of the south's land. The south had an extremely poor economy.

Which side lost the Civil War?

In both the Vietnam & US Civil War the south was the loser & the north was the victor.

What do the north and south have in common?

This depends on which north and south are under discussion the north and south of Ireland North Korea and South Korea North Vietnam and South Vietnam the North and South in the American civil war North Dakota and South Dakota .... and many more.

During the civil war what acts of protest occurred in both the north and south?

The draft

What were the Civil war similarities between north and south?

the simialiritys between both the north and the south were both sets of leaders were predominantly dedicated, focused, and inspiring to their men.

Where did spies of the civil war live?

During the US Civil War, espionage was a factor in gaining information about both the North & South. The South had spies in Washington DC and the North had spies in Richmond, Virginia.

Was it the north or the south that made gun powder in the civil war?

the south made 2% of the weapons and 98% were made from other countries that they bought

What effect did the Civil War have on the North and the South?

The Civil War had a huge effect on both the North and the South. In the South, many plantations and farms were destroyed and their owners were away fighting the war. In the North, women often took up jobs that were originally performed by their husbands.