A socially responsible consumer might boycott a company that uses child labor.
The company might fear that the letter-writing campaign will become a boycott if it doesn't respond
1st Glasgow company
A made up company. E.g. Duff Brewery
Westmoreland Glass Company ended in 1984.
Sopwith Aviation Company was created in 1912.
Child labor
The boycott must significantly reduce the target company's profits.
Because it is a harmful, addictive drug.
- A person who agreess to do busssines with a group - A person who always says yes to group work
The boycott is an effective way for disgruntled customers to be heard, because no business can survive when people refuse to buy their products and services.The consumer group decided to boycott the store because of the inaccurate scales at the check outs, which over weighed all produce.The people decided to boycott the company's product
they dont like the boycott
We will go boycott that bus company tomorrow at 10a.m.
The workers ordered a boycott of company goods until their wages were compensated.
The employees are a part of a company's being socially responsible because they reflect the face of its employer.
Yes business organization should be socially responsible. When a business is socially responsible they are able to establish a strong customer relationship with their consumers as well as maintain a strong consumer value.
Socially responsible companies use renewable resources.
The group encouraged their members to boycott certain foods. The movie boycott was successful. A boycott may or may not have the desired results. If enough people boycott the company, it will change it's ways. The boycott will take place until they get the results they want.