It is very likely. You could ask a local synagogue tactfully.
AnswerNo. The expression Holocaust revision is just a fancy word for Holocaust denial. It is not revision in the sense of looking for further evidence or genuine reinterpretation of evidence.
well it really depends how old a person was during the holocaust. say a baby 1 year old somehow survived a concentration camp they got into in 1940. that person would now be 69. however, considering the harsh conditions of concentration camps, odds are, not many people younger than maybe 6 could have survived.
Yes. Most of the survivors who are still alive were young, in many cases very young, at the time of the Holocaust. Many years ago I met a woman who had been born in January 1945 at Auschwitz, in the camp, about 12 hours before it was liberated by the Soviet Army. Her parents were extremely lucky in that they had been sent to Auschwitz exceptionally late. Obviously, she had no recollection of the camp. She and her parents migrated to Britain in 1950.One of the best known survivors still alive is Elie Wiesel._________There are numerous museums around the US where one can tour the history of the Holocaust. Most of them provide tours once or twice a month that include an opportunity to meet and listen to a survivor. I visited the one in Detroit two years ago. The story was simple and very moving. He had watched his mother and little brother taken directly to the extermination portion of Aucshwitz while he went to the working side.Yes, many, but their numbers are dwindling rapidly.
Yes, but being Jewish in the Holocaust was not judged by one's self, it was determined by the Nazis.
Yes, there were about 3 million Holocaust survivors.
yes, many
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not sure how was her name pronounced
i'm sure that there are, if i have understood your question.
Yes. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, there are roughly about 195,000 Holocaust survivors as of this writing (February 2015). However, sadly, of course, these survivors are passing away quickly. All of them are quite elderly at this point. The very youngest survivors would be in their mid 70s now.
Yes they did, infact some of the survivors of the holocaust who died in the last 10 years were escapees.
Many of them. If you visit a local holocaust museum, you can find talks that are given by survivors. I've been privileged to attend a couple of these. They are very moving and hard to listen to.
It is very likely. You could ask a local synagogue tactfully.
Yes. A small number of Jews survived the Holocaust.
Yes there are a few... Elie Wiesel is one... He wrote a book called Night, and its very informational!
Yes,Like jalko suzigal wrote a book about concentration camp after he got out