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Yes, in countries like Iraq, Bosnia and a few of the African nations. They call it "ethnic cleansing", but it's mass murder, just like the Holocaust.

I'm not an animal rights activist and I eat meat. But factory farms in the U.S. currently bear similarities to the holocaust as well. The way people are treating the animals in these farms really is disgusting and wrong. Of course there are differences to be considered between the value of human life and an animal's life, but suffering is always suffering. Check it out.

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12y ago
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15y ago

No, there is only one Holocaust. There are many persecutions going on, but calling them Holocaust denigrates the name Holocaust. Holocaust is not a name to be used loosely, it refers to that specific wipeout of Jews.

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11y ago

The holocaust was one persons hate against the Jews. That is like world today. A group of people could hate one person so it is about the same thing. And same with countries. A group of countries could hate a single country.

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16y ago

As sad as it may sound, genocide is still active in some parts of the world. Most notorious this days is in the darfur region.

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14y ago

the Rwanda genocide; this genocide ad the holocaust were both racially motivated and have little international help. Haven't we learned from our mistakes?

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12y ago

you tell me i dont know either

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Q: Are there any recent genocides like the Holocaust happening today?
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Are there similar situations like the Holocaust happening today around the world?


Can a tragedy such as the holocaust happen in your world today?

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The Holocaust did not change religion. The same religions exist now as before the Holocaust. In fact, the Holocaust changed nothing about human cluture, ethic and morality. Since the Holocaust we have seen more genocides in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur. Religion has not been altered by the Shoah (Holocaust). The same major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hindu & Judaism) exist today, virtually unchanged. What was religion after the Holocaust? The same as before the Holocaust. Self-centered, egotistical, theocratic and banal. Charles S. Weinblatt Author, Jacob's Courage

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nothing, my life started after the Holocaust was over.

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it depends upon where you are looking from.

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Holocausts are genocides murder). I have heard that there are some going on in some parts of Africa like the Congo.And Iraq too.

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