Funfact: The end of World War II saw the rise of TWO superpowers: The US and the Soviet Union. That's why the forty years of glaring at each other and spying is considered a Cold War instead of two countries not liking each other.
The USA and Russia were the two main superpowers (although Russia did not have much of a Navy at the end of the war, it was mainly a air and land based superpower). England was still a superpower, but, it was in decline and many of it's colonies would soon get their freedom. France, mostly conquered by Germany, was not a superpower, although it continued to act as though it were, and it lost most of it's colonies after the war as well.
The way states engage with one another is called an International system. The Post War International System changed after the end of World War II. There were only two major world powers left after that war. The United States and the Soviet Union. The United States still hold power as the major world superpower since the fall of the Soviet Union.
The League of Nations was formed at the end of World War One, the United Nations was formed at the end of World War II.
The United States was the nation that emerged from World War 1 as the greatest world power. By remaining neutral for most of the war and the land-lease act the United States was able to leave the war with more power than before.
What war are you talking about? World War I ended near the end of 1918.
there was only one superpower left after ww2 and that was the allies
It was the end of two superpowers, leaving the US as the sole superpower of the world It was the end of two superpowers, leaving the US as the sole superpower of the world
The USA and Russia were the two main superpowers (although Russia did not have much of a Navy at the end of the war, it was mainly a air and land based superpower). England was still a superpower, but, it was in decline and many of it's colonies would soon get their freedom. France, mostly conquered by Germany, was not a superpower, although it continued to act as though it were, and it lost most of it's colonies after the war as well.
Economic prosperity and choosing their friends well
Britain, France, USSR, and USA fit the model. USA was large and rich.
The end of WW2 left the United States a superpower in the world, with the strong economy and one of the largest militaries. It also caused a second Red Scare, or fear of communism, creating tensions between a rival superpower, the Soviet Union.
There is so far no World War 6, Only World War I and World War II.
The way states engage with one another is called an International system. The Post War International System changed after the end of World War II. There were only two major world powers left after that war. The United States and the Soviet Union. The United States still hold power as the major world superpower since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Only the first World War had a morro which was "The War To End All Wars" the WW2 did not
The end of the Revolutionary War brought a change not only to U.S. politics, but a change to the balance of power throughout the world as well. Spain had lost Florida a few years earlier and couldn't regain its status as a superpower. Political power in the colonies after the war shifted to the Quakers who held on to it, trying to influence everything from slavery to foreign policy.
There were many soldiers at the end of the World War 1 during the end of the world war.
By the end of World War Two, the US had displayed the ability to fight successfully on two major fronts and had the technology for the atomic bomb. One can also note that its geographical position helped to foster this situation. The US geographical position at that time also created within the US an economic advantage no other nation had. Because of the lack of world wide technology, the two major oceans, the Pacific and the Atlantic, afforded the US with these advantages,to emerge from the war as superpower.