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Q: Besides Kent State where did national guardsmen kill protesters during the Vietnam War?
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What happened at Kent State during Vietnam?

During an anti-war protest the National Guardsmen sent by the Governer to quell the protest, shot into the crowd of unarmed protesters, onlookers and passers-by 67 times for 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.

What were the influences to end the Vietnam Conflict?

The draft protesters.

How many protesters were the against the Vietnam war?

998,742 people

Media name for those who opposed the war in Vietnam?

War protesters.

Did people get killed for protesting during the war in Vietnam?

On 01 May 1970, under orders from President Nixon (Commander in Chief) US ground forces entered Cambodia, penetrating approximately 21 miles, for approximately 60 days, in search of COSVN (Central Office South Vietnam-communist headquarters). On 04 May 1970, (another standard routine) protest/riot erupted at Kent State University, state of Ohio. Ohio National Guardsmen arrived, on line, they were face to face with the "students" (protesters/rioters), stones, bricks were thrown at the Guardsmen; Guardsmen opened fire with their M-1 Garand rifles (WWII Rifle) killing four students. Crosby, Stills, and Nash, commemorated the incident with a song, "...Tin Soldiers, and Nixon's bombing...Four dead in Ohio..."

What was the medias influence on Australians in the Vietnam war?

They probably fuelled the protesters, as they did in the US.

JuxtaposedThe chapter introduction juxtaposes the stories of Marines in Vietnam and National Guardsmen at Kent State to make what point?

The chapter introduction juxtaposes the stories of Marines in Vietnam and National Guardsmen at Kent State to make what point? Selected Answer: b. America was divided over the fundamental question of who was a true friend and who was a real enemy Correct Answer: b. America was divided over the fundamental question of who was a true friend and who was a real enemy

What happened during the protest at Kent State against the Vietnam war?

University protests against the war in Vietnam were common throughout the war. At Kent State University in Ohio, a National Guard soldier fired a shot that killed one of the peaceful protesters.This was a severe incident that gave more importance to ending the war as soon as possible.

What were the opponets of the Vietnam war called?

Draft dodgers, Doves, Hippies, Protesters, etc.

Details of soldiers to Vietnam memorial?

Not just soldiers; but marines, airmen, sailors, and coast guardsmen, the names of which are engraved in stone.

When the national guard fired weapon on May 4 1970 most were aiming at?

One of the most infamous demonstrations against the Vietnam War took place at Kent State University, 1970, when National Guard troops fired on Kent State students and protesters and four were killed and eleven were wounded. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close. Two students were killed by police during a demonstration at another college. The Guardsmen at Kent State claimed they had fired in self defense. Some of those killed were students going to class and not even taking part in the demonstration. There is still dispute over the shootings.

What was a popular form of protest by Vietnam war protesters when they got drafted?

They burned their draft cards.