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The cold war was VERY strong in 1961; when President Kennedy took office.

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Q: Cold war in 1961
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York Cold War Bunker was created in 1961.

What happened in 1961 in Germany that heightened the Cold War?

In 1961 the Berlin Wall was built in Germany. It served as a symbol of the cold war's division of east and west Germany.

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The Cold War symbol which appeared in 1961 was the?

Berlin Wall

During which war was the Berlin Wall built?

It was built in 1961 during the Cold War.

What are two wars that were fought as a consequence of the cold war?

The Korean War (1950-1953) & The Vietnam War (1961-1975) were "Hot" battles of the "Cold War."

Was the Berlin wall put up after the cold war?

No, the wall was constructed in 1961. The cold war ended in 1989 - when the wall fell.

In what war was the Berlin Wall built?

It wasn't built during a war, it was after World War II.

What is the symbolic and physical marker of the cold war built by the soviet in 1961?

Parts of the Berlin Wall.

Why did the US struggle in Vietnam?

The Korean War (1950-1953) and the Vietnam War (1961-1975) were part of the COLD WAR, against the spread of communism.

What was the result of the bay of pigs invasion 1961?

capture of many people and raised tensions in the cold war

From 1961 to 1989 which European city was divided by a wall that symbolized the political divisions of the cold war?

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