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The North (Union) had a population of 22 million while the South (Confederates) had a population of 9 million. Over 90% of industrial output, including firearms and pig iron came from the North, giving the Union a great advantage in terms of resources.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

I understand the question as related to the two army's characteristic and qualities.

Whereas the opinions hereunder stated are expressed about 150 years after the Civil War, thus with hindsight, we can say that:

The Union Army was perhaps more persevering, more observant of discipline, more fit to stand the good and the adverse luck without neither losing heart nor getting carried away, more disposed to the orderliness, less individualist, more respectful of the regulations, more fit for accepting long lasting sacrifices, pains, hardships, without giving in.

The Confederate Army instead was more recalcitrant to the discipline, more disordered and picturesque, hostile to blind obedience regularity and routine, easier to get carried away and get dispirited either. But they were ready to accept indescribable sacrifices when the situations in being were asking for, able to overwhelming onslaughts and sublime heroism inspired by nothing but only

of their own spontaneous devotion to their Cause.

If a comparison is allowed, we could say that the Confederate Army resembled the French Army and the Union Army that of Prussia of the time, indeed without forget to bear in mind that the American armies were all made up of citizens-soldiers and not mercenaries or subjects of a conservatory monarchy.

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