Since times change; for the Vietnam War: USN: 1. A US Navy Ensign (0-1) or LTjg (0-2) might command a US Navy Swift Boat (PCF-Patrol Craft Fast); which has 5 crewmen plus the officer. 2. A US Navy LTCDR (0-4) or CDR (0-5) might command a US Destroyer or Frigate. USA: 1. A US Army 2nd Lieutenant (0-1) is authorized a platoon (infantrymen or 5 tanks); a 1st Lieutenant (0-2) is normally the company's executive officer (XO). A Captain (0-3) is the company commander. 2. A US Army Major (0-4) is assigned the duties of Battalion XO and another Major is assigned a staff position. The Lieutenant Colonel (0-5) is the Battalion Commander.
It was called the Army of Northern Virginia, and it was commanded by Robert E.Lee.
The Union Army of the Tennessee was commanded by Major General Ulysses S. Grant on April 6, 1862, the first day of the battle. This army would be reinforced by the Army of the Ohio under the command of Major General Don Carlos Buell the evening of the 6th and Grant took overall command of both. The Confederate Army of the Mississippi was commanded by General Albert Sidney Johnston on the first day until he was killed, then command of the army fell to General P.G.T. Beauregard who commanded for the remainder of the battle.
For the budding United States, George Washington was in overall command of the U.S. military effort, primarily focused on his command of the Continental Army, though there were obviously several other Generals in charge of various other armies. In addition, the British Army was not under a central command; rather, there were regional commanders which changed several times throughout the war.
2nd Lieutenant.
During the war, Jefferson Davis was elected President of the Confederacy.
I know they're not as strong as the United States Army. They are more of a neutral army.
George Washington
GM Gunners Mate (Navey) GI General Issue (Army)
RAF Army Cooperation Command was created in 1940.
The second in command of the US Army is the executive officer.
Strategic leaders include military and DA civilian leaders at the major command through Department of Defense levels.
The second in command of the US Army is the executive officer.
Command Of the Army Act.
Army Reserve Medical Command's motto is '"Soldiers First"'.
Army Strategic Forces Command - Pakistan - was created in 2000.
Army Air Forces Antisubmarine Command's motto is 'Guard With Power'.
Lieutenant General Benjamin C. Freakley is the current commander of U.S. Army Accessions Command (USAAC), at Fort Monroe, Virginia.USAAC Subbordinates:* U.S. Army Recruiting Command, Fort Knox, KY * U.S. Army Cadet Command, Fort Monroe, VA. * U.S. Army Training Center, Fort Jackson, SC.* Military Entrance Processing Command.* Initial Military Training (IMT), U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Monroe, Virginia.