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Since times change; for the Vietnam War: USN: 1. A US Navy Ensign (0-1) or LTjg (0-2) might command a US Navy Swift Boat (PCF-Patrol Craft Fast); which has 5 crewmen plus the officer. 2. A US Navy LTCDR (0-4) or CDR (0-5) might command a US Destroyer or Frigate. USA: 1. A US Army 2nd Lieutenant (0-1) is authorized a platoon (infantrymen or 5 tanks); a 1st Lieutenant (0-2) is normally the company's executive officer (XO). A Captain (0-3) is the company commander. 2. A US Army Major (0-4) is assigned the duties of Battalion XO and another Major is assigned a staff position. The Lieutenant Colonel (0-5) is the Battalion Commander.

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Q: Compare army levels of command with navey levels of command?
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