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It was called the Army of Northern Virginia, and it was commanded by Robert E.Lee.

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Q: What virginian was named by the congress to command the army?
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Who was selected to command the army by the second continental congress?


When does George Washington take command of the army?

George Washington was comander and chief of the continental army during the American Revolution.

Are congress allowed to co-command the army?

The President is Commander in Chief. Congress can advise and consent.

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Congress named a Virginian , George Washington , to command the Continental Army, which is the military force that would carry out the fight against Britain. As Washington prepared for the was, the congress pursued peace. On July 5th the delegates signed the Olive Branch Petition, asking the king to restore harmony between Britain and the colonies. King George refused to read it and looked for new way to punish the colonies.

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George Washington

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George Washington

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George Washington

Who did the second continental congress choose to command the cotinental army?

George Washington

What battle happened after battle of lexington and concord?

Congress named a Virginian , George Washington , to command the Continental Army, which is the military force that would carry out the fight against Britain. As Washington prepared for the was, the congress pursued peace. On July 5th the delegates signed the Olive Branch Petition, asking the king to restore harmony between Britain and the colonies. King George refused to read it and looked for new way to punish the colonies.

Whom did the second congress make supreme command of the continental army?

George Washington

Whom did the second continental congress make supreme command of continental army?

George Washington

Who made George Washington the leader of the Continental amry?

George Washington was given command of the Continental Army by the Second Continental Congress.