Sản phẩm này kết hợp chứa ba loại thuốc: acetaminophen, codeine, và caffeine.
Acetaminophen thuộc nhóm thuốc gọi là thuốc giảm đau (thuốc giảm đau) và thuốc hạ sốt (hạ sốt).
Codeine thuộc nhóm thuốc được gọi là chất ma tuý thuốc giảm đau.
Caffeine thuộc vào nhóm thuốc gọi là các chất kích thích.
Sự kết hợp các loại thuốc được sử dụng để điều trị đau nhẹ đến trung bình kết hợp với các điều kiện như nhức đầu, đau răng, đau cơ, đau kinh nguyệt đau đớn, sau một tai nạn, và các hoạt động sau đây đau.
(The drug is a mild to moderate pain reliever with acetaminophen, codeine, and caffeine.)
Use a translation dictionary.
The two main groups were the Chinese communists, led by Mao Tse Dung, and the Nationalists, led by Chiang Kai Shek. The nationalists were the group recognized by the west as the "legitimate" government of China, and the group which had been allied against Japan and Germany during WWII. They were the successors to the Kuomintang nationalist movement from earlier in the century. But the nationalists never really controlled all of China and in truth Chiang was ony the largest and most successful of a number of different "warlords". There is a "dynastic cycle" in the long history of China, and whenever the central government grows weak its authority ceases to reach all far flung corners of the land, and warlords spring up to challenge for control of those areas. Eventually one of these warlords becomes powerful enough to displace the old dynasty, and establish a new dynasty. This is essentially what happened in 1949 when the communists won the civil war, and became the strongest government since the decline of the last Imperial dynasty forty years earlier.
When the war began, only one country claimed to be Communist- the Soviet Union. (I say "claimed to be Communist" because they weren't really Communist in the sense that Marx described- they were actually brutal authoritarian dictatorships pretending to be Communist) As the war ended, the countries that were "liberated" by the Soviets were made into Communist dictatorships too. The Soviets would elevate Communist rebels and party leaders in those countries to be the new national leaders. These were mostly countries in Eastern Europe, such as Poland, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Romania.
The cast of Only Ahead - 1979 includes: Dung Doan Cong Huy Viet Rao Dang
toi muon tin ke hoach nha hoc duong. che do danh cho cong tac vien kiem nhiem y te hoc duong nhu the nao?
A dung beetle eats dung.
Sylvanus Dung Dung was born in 1949.
Dung beetles do this.
It is a flinger of Dung It is a flinger of Dung
The collective noun for dung is a pile of dung.
Not the original dung.
They eat dung.
they lead with dung
crocodile dung is poo
It is dung that has become fossilized.