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Under the orders of Japan's new "military governor", GEN Douglas MacArthur, Japan had to allow it's citizens (ALL CITIZENS) to live according to the standards in the United States, and Japan was NO LONGER allowed to have a military or allowed to fight wars (war was now illegal). Japan could have a military and was allowed to defend itself. But it could NOT be CALLED AN ARMY OR NAVY OR AIR FORCE. The Japanese had to call their forces the Self Defense Forces. The Self Defense Forces were NOT ALLOWED to leave their home waters, except with the approval of the US or it's allies, for reasons such as training and military manuevers.

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The US and the USSR became world powers, partly because of the discovery of the atomic bomb which helped end the war

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The radiation from the Thunderbolt Atom Bomb spread around a disease called lukemia

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The atomic age, and the cold war.

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People died.

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Q: Consequences of World War II
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What was one of the consequences of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

It discouraged Americans from fighting in World War II.

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Consequences of US World War 2?

Millions of people from all over Europe, Asia and the United States were killed during World War II, including civilians and military personnel. Some of the consequences of World War II have been argued to be wars that followed as well as many conflicts all over the world: * The Cold War * East & West Germany * The Berlin Wall * The Korean War * The Vietnam War

What happened with the Nazis in 1941?

This timeline for the events that occurred with the Nazis and the Allies came from Wikipedia under the heading of World War 2. You can click on each month to get full details for each month of 1941.timeline of events that stretched over the period ofworld-war-ii.Contents[hide]timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941

Did world war begin in Europe?

World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.

What were the consequences from the invasion of Poland?

Once Germany invaded Poland, it caused England and France to declare war on Germany. It was the official beginning of World War II.

What incidents caused the formation of intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations?

World War I, World War II, and the Cold War

What is Civil War II?

There is no Civil War II. There is a World War II

Why wernt the Olympics held in 1944?

There was no Olympics in 1940 due to World War II. There was no Olympics in 1944 due to World War II. Also, there was no Olympics in 1916 due to World War I.

During which war did the Holocaust take place?

World War II

Why was the 1940 olympics cancelled?

World War II.

How do you abbreviate World War II?

World War II WWII WW2