he was an American social reformer, writer, lecturer, statesmen, and he helped free the blacks. he also was very intelligent and a good leader.
how did frederick douglass wife die
three characteristics of Frederick Douglass are that he was intelligent and had a gift of speech, he was funny, and loving
in 18857
It was Frederick Douglass.
Words that best describe Frederick Douglass (called Fred in the book) are brave, smart, strong, intelligent, and determined.
No, Frederick douglass is not single.
Frederick Douglass married to Anna Murray in 1838 Frederick douglass married to Helen Pitts in 1884
Frederick Douglass married to Anna Murray in 1838 Frederick douglass married to Helen Pitts in 1884
how did frederick douglass wife die
What sacrifice did Frederick Douglass make
Frederick Douglass' mom's name was Harriet Bailey.
can anybody tell me what Frederick Douglass feared please!!..
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass Academy was created in 1991.
Frederick Douglass Prize was created in 1999.