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The answer to an oddly phrased question.This is a poorly stated question. There are countless reasons against ANY war because of the devastation and death associated. If the question is "what are the causes of World War 1," then it can be answered it began with the asassination of the Archduke of Austrian- Hungarian empire. He was in line for the throne. It escalated, as most wars do, into political unrest among the European countries until Kaiser Wilhelm 1, of Germany decided to invade France. Why not? They live next door. They entrenched themselves on the France/Germany border called the Mariot Line and basically shot at one another until one side ran out of money and resources. That would be Germany. Frances allies, England and the USA joined the fray, so Germany was a bit outnumbered. It didnt seem to bother the Germans, however, so they attempted the same silly stuff again in the '40's. This time they brought along the Italians and the Japanese. Still didnt work. Now it can be hoped they will be content to bring us finely engineered cars.
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13y ago

The tradition of US isolation. Each president of the U.S. had to battle witht heir beliefs on Progressivism because thus far we wanted nothing to do with the Progressivism we cam from before th U.S. Now were we going to become the exact thing we had been trying to avoid. That's what every president had to decide while each seemed to have a different opinion on Progression, some for and some against. So to hold on to our isolation of not getting involved in others fights is a huge argument we stayed out fo the war for so long.

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Europe's problem.

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Q: Describe the argument against u.s. involvement in world war 1?
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it would draw the united states into conflicts all over the world.

What was an argument of republicans against league of nations?

it would draw the united states into conflicts all over the world.

What was the argument of republican against the league of nations?

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