Eugene debs
Adloph Hitler could be described as a sociopath, that is, a person with a pathological lack of empathy toward other people. And the fact that you post such a large number of questions on this topic all at once will make people wonder if you too are psycho. Just ask one question. If you need that much information you should be reading a book on the subject, not asking wiki.answers. Try "The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich" by William Shirer. There are many other good books on this important topic.
The same distance it is now.If it was an American speaking, a click is one mile.If it was just about anyone else, a click is one kilometre.
Costa Rica
Eugene debs
Eugene Debs
Eugene V. Debs
Eugene V. Debs
USSR is how the Soviet Union was abbreviated by English speaking people. It stands for Unior of Soviet Socialist Republics. There were several SSR's, Soviet Socialist Republics.
Robert Mugabe was arrested in December of 1963 and imprisoned in 1964 for speaking out against the government of South Rhodesia.
Belize is the only English-speaking Central American nation.
Generally speaking most Native American tribes had a Socialist Democracy in its primitive form. All members of the tribe worked towards the preservation of all members and everyone fulfilled a role within the tribe as they were capable. They also openly selected their leaders to best represent them.NOTE: Socialist is used here as its first concept not its altered modern concept.
It created Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking regions.
If we are speaking English, it is AXE. If we speaking hybrid American-ese, it can be either, as the mood takes you
Ecuador is the only Spanish-speaking country that uses the American dollar as its official currency.