Eugine V. Debs was sentenced to be imprisoned for ten years for saying "It is extremely dangerous to exercise the constitutional right of free speech in a country fighting to make democracy safe in the world." in his speech in 1918. his sentence officially ended by President Warren Harding on Christmas Day, 1921
Eugene debs
Debs was already a leader of the Socialist Party, and along with many of its members, opposed the war. He argued that it was a war of the upper class, and a war from the roots of imperial expansionism. He was imprisoned for 10 years for violating the Espionage Act, which forbade any antiwar sentiment, which he was also against.
If you mean who was the leader of the royalist army during the English Civil War of 1642, then the leader was King Charles I. He was fighting against Parliment
Nicholas II
joseph stalin
Eugene debs
Eugene debs
Eugene Debs |Apex|
Eugene Debs - Apex
Kronos. The leader of the Titans. Zeus overthrew him and imprisoned him in Tartarus
A political leader who committed suicide after he was betrayed and falsely imprisoned
Nelson Mandela.
Caesar won the civil was against Pompey to become the leader of Rome.Caesar won the civil was against Pompey to become the leader of Rome.Caesar won the civil was against Pompey to become the leader of Rome.Caesar won the civil was against Pompey to become the leader of Rome.Caesar won the civil was against Pompey to become the leader of Rome.Caesar won the civil was against Pompey to become the leader of Rome.Caesar won the civil was against Pompey to become the leader of Rome.Caesar won the civil was against Pompey to become the leader of Rome.Caesar won the civil was against Pompey to become the leader of Rome.
The Muslim military leader who led an attack against the Christians was _______.
He was imprisoned for over a decade for leading revolts against apartheid. When he was released, people elected him as their new leader. This is significant because he became the first South African president. Basically, he contributed to the overthrow of apartheid.
Toussaint L'Ouveture