there were toilets (when they were allowed to use them), but they were of the style of the time, they did not have cubicles.
1. Let's rephrase the Question. The Holocaust was an event, not a place. 2. Behind the whole scheme was the Nazi's, or sometimes refered to as the German Workers' Party. 3. Their Leader was Adolf Hitler 4. In case your refering to the concentration camps, eg. Auschwitz; Many German soldiers, and Lots of Jewish people who were tricked into going there, forced away from family and given little to eat, and at times just gased to death. They all wore striped "pygamas" and also wore a armband with the star of david written on it.
Usually thin soup with some bread and potato.
The starving Confederates allegedely ate the rations that were cooking on the Union fires in the camps they had just captured.
Kids were usually gassed on arrival. Those who weren't were fed on thin soup and bread.
During the Holocaust, the Jews & people being treated so badly had to carry around a tin can & that's what they used as their toilet, they also had to use that same tin to put their food in.
1.they had to work 2.for eat they was only bread and water.
It is unknown, but most people think that it's wheat bread.
good food
No, Nazi's did not eat babies/infants or children. There was mass starvation of Jews, so babies and children would have died from malnutritition. Children were put into concentration camps, or killed with their parents.
while the jew were in the consentration camps the ate gross food.
First off. You need to learn how to spell correctly. And second off, they wore nothing in concentration camps. They made make-shift clothes out of pubic hair and dried urine. It was a loose-loose situation for the Jews. When they were in hiding they did these things: eat drink sleep
Mainly bread.
By 1942, the Germans had built 6 death camps. Some of theses death camps were Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and T.II. Some other Concentration camps were Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Treblinka, and Theresienstadt. These camps were forced work camps and not killing camps. The worst death camp out of them all was Auschwitz.
it depended on what concentration camp. most of the time you got crackers or cheese or butter.
First, for the purposes of this question, I am narrowing the analysis to Jews who keep kosher, e.g. follow the dietary laws, and also ignoring any personal allergies.Being on a train has no effect on a what a Jew can or cannot eat. Jews eat the same food on trains that they do in their homes or restaurants (except they may opt for particular dishes that are easier to transport like sandwiches over stews).If by "the trains" you are referring to the cattle cars used to transport Jews in miserable conditions to the Nazi Concentration Camps, Jews were not given food for the ride. They were "expected" to tough it out or die.
The Jews were treated horribly in concentration camps. Often times they would be shot if they were not working hard enough, sometimes they were made to dig a grave and then they were shot and buried in it. The Jewish people had to do a variety of horrible jobs and they were to be done when they were to be done. If you had something to say about it you would have been shot. Men, women, and children lived in their barracks didn't get much to eat and if they survived their fitness check up and went to do the labor work and not be gassed then they would be worked to the bone and when they were no longer healthy they would be killed.
When the Nazis sent the Jews to concentration camps, they typically starved the Jews to near-death. The Jews were not allowed to keep kosher, and some were made to eat dog food or drink sea water.