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This is of course only a mater of opinion But I feel he did he was responsible for improving conditions for his fellow workers in Poland. He was the first man to succeed in showing up the USSR for what it was and he constantly risked his life to do so.

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Who survived the Holocaust and end up famous?

One of the best known survivors is Elie Wiesel, the author of Night (and several other books) and the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize winner.

What was US role in the russo-japanese war?

The US was neutral in the war, but the US mediated a peace agreement. President Teddy Roosevelt received the NOBEL Prize for negotiating a peaceful settlement of the Russo-Japanese War in 1905.

Who invented the C4 explosive?

In 1875 Alfred Nobel made C4 explosives for the first time. He did not know then the impact the explosive would have on the world and ended up putting funds he gained into a prize that individuals can win for peace keeping efforts.

Who invented the first oil tanker and from which country was this person?

The first ships to carry mineral oil (as opposed to whale oil) were not designed particularly for oil - the oil would be carried in jars or barrels. Ludvig Nobel (brother of Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and founder of the Nobel prize) is probably the key pioneer of designing ships specifically to carry oil. He was Swedish.

What was George Marshal role in world war 2?

George C. Marshall of the Joint Chiefs of Staff tediously and steadfastly pulled together an Armed Forces that could fight a two front war. He was able to get good fighting men trained and the forces supplied, He also helped with the strategies of many operations. His work contributed to the victory of the Allies. Later he created the Marshall Plan to help restore Europe and plans for the Cold War. He won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1953. There is a George C. Marshall Foundation website if you are interested.