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1945 $160 million 1951 $450 million 1953 $785 million.

Multiply those figures for today's dollar values.

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Q: Did The US provide economic aid to fund the French war effort in Vietnam.?
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American-sponsored effort to provide funds for the economic relief and recovery in Europe?

The Marshall Plan ^__^

Who were Vietnam's enemies in 1954?

The French, along with their colonial allies the Moroccans, Algerians, Senegalese, and the pro-French Vietnamese. While the US had not yet committed military forces against Communism in Vietnam, it was financing a large part of the French war effort against them in 1954.

Is effort feminine or masculine in French?

In French, the word "effort" is masculine. It is used with masculine articles and pronouns, such as "l'effort" (the effort) or "mon effort" (my effort).

Why us want Vietnam?

The US was trying to preserve the Republic of South Vietnam; an effort that failed.

How did Alabama help in the Vietnam War effort?

It didn't..

What does unis d'un meme effort mean in French?

"Unis d'un même effort" means "united by the same effort" in French.

How do you say effort in french?

un effort (masc.)

What were American supporter of the war effort in Vietnam were called?


How did woman help in the Vietnam War Effort?

Primarily as nurses.

How much did the Vietnam spend on the war movement?

Just time and effort.

What effects Vietnam from the Vietnam war?

Vietnam war made Vietnamese people having to do highest their effort to catch developed country.Maybe 100 years to be America now.

How did the American experience in Vietnam end?

The American experience in Vietnam ended in 1975 with the fall of Saigon, leading to the collapse of South Vietnam and the end of the American war effort.