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More recent civil wars had them, but the American Civil War did not have tanks. Tanks were invented by the British during WW1. "Tank" was the code name for the development project and the name stuck to the final product.

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Q: Did the Civil War have tanks?
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How was technology different from world war 1 from the civil war?

For one, in WWI, the Britains rolled out tanks for the first time.

What country in the mid to late 1930s was a rehersal for world war 2?

The Spanish Civil war was used to test aircraft, tanks and tactics by the Germans.

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The same way they do today, they took saltwater into tanks while underwater, evaporated out the salt and electrolyzed the oxygen out of it. They also carried tanks of compressed air in the submarine.

Did world war 1 have tanks?

Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.

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We got 41 war tanks as of now. --

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The Soviet Union provided military aid to the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War. This included tanks, planes, and other weapons, as well as military advisors.

Is Sheridan he or she?

The M551 Sheridan aluminum tanks used in Vietnam were called she's; but the Sheridan tank itself was named after a "he." General Sheridan, US Army, War of the Rebellion (Civil War).

What happened to the surviving tanks in World War 1?

The tanks were rebuilt as recovery vehicles and tank transporters after the war. Then six were sold to Spain in 1922 after that, from 1923 to 1926 fighting in Morocco, the four surviving tanks later taken to Spain for the Spanish Civil War. The Spanish Civil War was near Toledo on the sides of the Republicans. At the Musée des Blindés in Saumur is the world's oldest tank in running condition and the only surviving vehicle. The tank is preserved in the Aberdeen Proving Ground Ordnance Museum in Maryland, USA. Later it was donated to France for restoration.

How did the tanks of World War 1 change the future of war?

They were the first tanks, and tanks eventually became a dominant force in warfare as we know it.

Do horses play an important roll in the civil war?

Yes they did. then they didn't have cars or military tanks, so horses where transportation, and for calvary use. Yes they did. then they didn't have cars or military tanks, so horses where transportation, and for calvary use.

Where did people live during the civil war?

Infantrymen (grunts) slept on the ground. Armor crewmen slept on or near their tanks.

How did the civil war change warfare?

Technology took made many improvements during the Civil War. The guns went from smoothbore muskets to rifles that used minie balls. The Civil War also saw torpedoes, submarines and Gatling guns.