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Britain declared war on Germany in response of the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. The US didn't enter the war until after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941).

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Q: Did the US declare war on Germany the same time as Britain?
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Why didn't Britain also declare war on the Soviet Union after it occupied Poland at about the same time that Germany did?

UK was allied USSR.

What time and date did Neville Chamberlain declare war?

Britain decided to declare war on Germany on September 3rd, 1939.

What caused Britain declare war on Germany?

What is always mentioned is that Hitler ordered the German Army to invade Poland and England had a defense treaty with Poland. What is never mentioned is that Communist USSR (Russia) also invaded Poland from the East at about the same time and France and England did not declare war upon the USSR.

Why did Italy and Romania declare war on Soviets?

Italy and Romania declared war on the Soviets at the same time as Germany was because Italy and Romania were with Germany in the Axis alliance.

Why didn't the us declare war on Germany the same time that England declare war on Germany?

Because at that time the US was hoping to supply both Germany and the English with war materials. In the end however it was Germany that declared war on the USA when they were attacked by the Jape's. The American public did not want to get involved in the European war, however they had no aversion to selling weapons to the highest bidder.

Why did relations between Britain and Germany grow worse from 1900 1914?

Relations between Britain and Germany grew worse from 1900-1904 because at the time both were trying to colonize countries in Africa. Britain were building up their navy and Germany viewed this as a threat so they did the same.

Why did Germany declare war on both Russia and France?

In World War 2 Germany had already defeated France when they declared war on Russia. At the time that Germany invaded Russia, Britain was the only major power at war with Germany and Britain didn't have the resources to mount an attack against mainland Europe. Germany was unable to attack England across the channel so Hitler decided to divert his attention to Russia before Stalin made his military forces any stronger.

What was Great Britain's response to Germany's invasion of Poland?

Alongside France, Britain gave Germany a time limit to stop their invasion, when no reply was received they declared war on Germany.

What were Germany's downfall in the battle of Britain?

Short range and time over Britain of the German fighters.

Who were the first 2 countries to go to war?

Well, it was Germany and Poland who were the first to fight in it, but it was really four countries that went to war at the same time. Britain, France, Germany, and Poland were the four.

What was the date that Britain declare war on Germany?

Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gave the German government an ultimatum that unless the Germans started withdrawing their troops from Poland that war would exist between the two countries. The time was 11am (time zone unknown) 3rd September 1939.

When did Hitler declare war on Europe?

To my knowledge he never did. It was war by default when he invaded Poland on the 1st of September 1939. The British declared war on Germany on the 3rd of September 1939. Thereafter the German propaganda machine always maintained that Britain had started the war by its declaration. This back-fired badly some time into the war when the Germans spoke of the war as having started on the 1st of September 1939.