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Firstly, it should be WW2 instead of WW1 if you are talking about the year of 1942. Secondly, Communist Party fo China came into power in 1949, which was about four years after the end of WW2.

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Q: Did the communist come into power in China in 1942 during World War 1?
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What were the causes of the civil war in china?

There were many internal disputes in China after the 1911 revolution, most known is what I believe the one you are referring to, which is when Mao came to power. Following the end of the Second World War, many internal conflicts in China was set aside to unite against the common enemy; Empire of Japan. When Japan was defeated by the US, China regained their territory and subsequently the conflicts reemerged. The two great forces seeking power were the Nationalists and the Communists. Despite the fact that Nationalists had prior to the war been massively superior and were supported internationally, they had had such losses during WW2 that the Communist Forces managed to win power and Mao gained power there in 1948.

What is true about hard power during the 1950's?

Some Americans were accused of being Communist agents.

How did nuclear weapons factor into communism and the fear of communism?

Most democratic countries feared that if communist nations had nuclear power, they would have the power to overthrow any democratic government and create a new one world communist government.

Who was in charge of North Vietnam during the War?

Ho Chi Minh was at power in North Vietnam during Vietnam War and he was a Communist.

The four main countries that made up the allied power during WW2?

During World War 2, there were thirty-two official countries listed as the Allied Powers. The chief Allied Powers were Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the United States and China.

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Is China's the only great world power with a communist government?

No, China is not the only remaining great world power with a communist government. Russia is also a great power with the communist government.

How Chinese communist increase their power during World War 2?

During WW2, the common enemy of China was Japan. Communist vs Nationalist warfare would become a main problem when WW2 ended.

What were the two groups in China during the cold war that were trying to gain power?

nationalist and communist

How did the Chinese communists increase their power during world war 2?

In 1949 communist leader Mao declared the creation of the People's Republic of China. When allies in 1941 China took its place among the Big Four.

What did Mao Zedong use in the communist in China?

consolidate his power

Are china and North Korea the only 2 communist countries left?

No, Vetnam is also communist. And North Korea is not communist country. They dont follow any of communist country. Economy, systems are not connected with communism. The leader is like god in north korea. And the leader is doing horrible things. They say they are communist country but absoluty not. China, economy is demoncracy but only the governmental system is communist.

What was the power struggle between the communist world and non communist world?

The cold war

Mao Zedong use the cultural revolution in communist in China to?

consolidate his power

Which country was communist in the 1930s?

In the 1930s, the only communist country in the world was the Soviet Union (USSR). The USSR was established after the Russian Revolution of 1917, which led to the overthrow of the Russian monarchy and the creation of a communist state under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party. By the 1930s, the Soviet Union was under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, who consolidated power and began implementing a series of economic and political policies, including forced collectivization and rapid industrialization. Other countries, such as China, had communist movements, but they were not yet in power during the 1930s. In China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), led by Mao Zedong, was engaged in a long struggle against the Nationalist government, but it was not until 1949 that the communists took control and established the People's Republic of China. Thus, in the 1930s, the Soviet Union was the primary communist state in the world.

What is the power struggle between the communist world and the non-communist world?

None. It ended in 1990.

Who was the main leader of china's communist revolution?

Mao Zedong was the originator of the successful Communist revolution in China.

What did Mao Zedong use the cultural revolution in communist China?

consolidate his power