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If you burn someone until they can't talk, then they're probly dead. Here's a smarter question: Are people in special ed. ALWAYS this stupid?

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Q: Do burns kill people
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How does lava kill you?

It burns

Why fires kill so many people?

Fires kill so many people because they can kill people in more than one way. In fact, most people do not die from burns, but from smoke inhalation. So people can burn and smoke inhalation kills people quickly because of the poison in the air.

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The salt burns their sluggy skin.

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silver burns the skin of the unnatrual

Can alcohol kill ants?

Yes it can alcohol is like acid for them it burns the Bacterias with them

How can chili powder kill bacteria?

It burns then until they die - and then it kills them !! dead !

Does UV light kill bacteria?

yes, it does it burns it until it goes away.

What effect has on people?

It burns them

What does acid rain do to kill people is it the burns?

Acid rain does not kill people by contact or by consumption. It does not burn or eat away skin. It drops the pH slightly. This level of pH is sufficient to change soil characteristics, interfere with fish breeding, erode carbonaceous rock and enhance metal corrosion.

What is the effect of a volcano erruption?

Lava flows and burns all in it's path but slow moving so people escape.Ash travels great distances and can suffocate people and kill plantsMudflow travels at 100km/hour and drowns people and destroys all in it's pathGases released (e.g. CO2 ) can kill peopleHope i helped :) xx

Can snorting Xanax kill you?

no but it burns like hell... and the taste will make you up chuck!

What are all the wild ones pets?

Dragon, It burns fire and it will kill for -5000 damage.