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The French fought there from 1946-1954, and were defeated in what was later called North Vietnam at a place called Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Thus ending the war.

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Q: French defeat in Vietnam
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What was the of the french defeat at dien bien phu?

The defeat at Dien Bien Phu led the French military to surrender their positions in Vietnam. The French left Vietnam, leaving the United States at the forefront of the conflict.

Which political philosophy grew into popularity in the Vietnam colony that eventually led to the defeat of the French?


Did a military defeat led by France to pull its former colony of vietnam happen first or did the U.S. become involved in a war in Vietnam?

US involvement began in Vietnam before the French defeat. Military advisers, intelligence, weapons, aircraft and the full support of the CIA's Air America. Vietnam was a French colony from the 1860s till 1940, when it was seized by Japan. Ho Chi Minh organized a resistance movement against the Japanese (and also against French collaborators). In the later stages of World War 2 the U.S. sent miliatary advisers to Ho Chi Minh and President Roosevelt promised the Vietnamese that if they threw the Japanese out of the country they would get independence after World War 2. In 1946 the French 'repossessed' Vietnam and the guerrilla war continued. The French suffered a devasting defeat in 1954 and withdrew. The country was then divided into North and South. The North was Communist; the South was very badly governed by a bizarre anti-Communist regime. Gradually, the U.S. inceased its involvement. Large scale U.S. involvement dates from about 1961 onwards.

What was the French connection to Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

The French had fought there from 1946 to 1954; 1st Indochina War or French Indochina War.

Was the US withdrawal from Vietnam a defeat or victory for the US?

It could hardly be called a victory because the objective was not achieved, and South Vietnam collapsed shortly afterward. Neither would I call it a defeat in the military sense, as the French were defeated at Dienbienphu. I would call it cutting the losses and walking away, and the US was not the first or the last country to do that.

Related questions

What was the of the french defeat at dien bien phu?

The defeat at Dien Bien Phu led the French military to surrender their positions in Vietnam. The French left Vietnam, leaving the United States at the forefront of the conflict.

What year was pho made in?

It was said to originate in Vietnam around the Mid-1950s after the defeat of the French.

Which political philosophy grew into popularity in the Vietnam colony that eventually led to the defeat of the French?


Which political philosophy grew in popularity in the vietnam colony that eventually led to the defeat of the french?

the philosophy is communism.

Who did the Vietnamese defeat in central and southern Vietnam?

The French .

Had to fight wars against the French and the Americans to gain its independence.?

North Vietnam had to fight against the French and the Americans to gain its independence. The French and Americans were trying to stop the spread of communism to South Vietnam, but the war ended badly with the French and Americans suffering defeat.

Which happen first the US became involved in a war in Vietnam or a military defeat led France to pull out of its former colony of Vietnam?

The French war came first (1946-1954).

When this fell to Vietnamese forces in 1959 the french began to leave Vietnam?

After the BATTLE OF DIEN BIEN PHU, the French considered the First Indochina War to have been a defeat and withdrew from all Indochina (including Vietnam).

A vietnamese nationalist and communist whose defeat of the french led to calls for American military intervention in Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh

What happened to Vietnam indochina after the Battle of Dien Bien Phu?

The French were defeated by the Viet Minh May 7th 1954. This marked the independence of French Indochina, which was subsequently split into North Vietnam and South Vietnam until 1975.

How did the us respond to the french defeat at bien dien phu?

The United States took over where the French left which subsequently led to the second Vietnam war. The United States supported a new anticommunist government in South Vietnam.

How did America end its role in Vietnam?

They withdrew from South Vietnam in defeat.