That is affirmative. Dustoff
He was with Chu-Lai Dust-Off then went up north and flew with the 571st.
Bob Hope entertained troops there, John Wayne visited Vietnam, he had filmed one of the FIRST Vietnam War movies in Hollywood history, with the "Green Berets", it was his way of countering the anti-war demonstrators; Actor Jimmy Stewart was a US Air Force Reserve General, and flew as an observer in a B-52 Bomber during a mission over North Vietnam. Actor Glen Ford was an officer in the USN Reserve, and spent time in Vietnam. Actor Earl Flynn (Pirate, and Robin Hood character during the 1930's) his son (who also acted, in a re-make of "Captain Blood") was a civilian in Vietnam and went missing, Actor Jimmy Stewarts son, a US Marine, was Killed in Vietnam, Actor Chuck Norris's brother was KIA in Vietnam while with the 101st Abn Div., COLONEL George S. Patton Jr., son of WWII George S. Patton Jr, commanded the 11th ACR (Armored Cavalry Regiment) in Vietnam. COL Robin Olds, who flew P-38 Lightnings in WWII and shot down some German fighter planes, flew F-4 Phantoms over North Vietnam and shot down some North Vietnamese MIG's.
It led to more u.s. troops in Vietnam
Doves were politicians--or any voters, for that matter--who favored making peace with the North Vietnamese and getting out of their country. Hawks wanted to stay and win (i. e. tell the Vietnamese how to run their country).
Researching World War 2 UnitsYou might want to contact Richard V. Horrell at WW 2 He assists people in finding the numerical designation of their relative's units during WW 2.
There are slight variations in the official figures, because 88 names were added in 1997. The most official number seems to be 58,266 American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines killed. This includes died in captivity, non-combat deaths, died of wounds, etc. The largest number of dead were from California. The most common rank killed was E-03 (private first class in the army or lance corporal in marines) with 17,000 killed. The most common officer rank to die was 1st Lieutenant. The highest ranking officers were major generals (5 of them). Blacks were 7,200 of the dead, about 13%. 38,000 of the dead were army and 14,800 were marines. In addition to the dead, 75,000 were 'severely disabled' after wounds or injuries suffered. More than 25,000 of those were 'totally disabled'. 2.6 million American men and women served in Vietnam and nearly one million more served in the Southeast Asia Theater area during the war.
New Bern, NC.
44433 john bert served in south vietnam with 1 rar,9rar,d@e platoon,7rar. From 1968 to 1971.
There are many different people that served in the US Army in Vietnam in Unit 5 Th Bn 60 Th Inf Co E 1 St Inf in the years of 1968-1969. The Vietnam War was a war that the United States fought in and they did not win.
E. Graham has written: 'Kenneth Grahame'
Louis E. Graham died in 1965.
Louis E. Graham was born in 1880.
Donald E. Graham was born on 1945-04-22.
Graham Sinclair's birth name is Graham E Smith.
Graham E. Moores has written: 'The radiolysis of coolant gas mixtures'
E. Graham Snape has written: 'Jar closures for the old and disabled'
Dion Graham is the narrator of the A&E series The First 48.
Donald E. Graham