Mussolini expected all Italians to obey him. Those who opposed his authority were punished. They were made to follow the motto 'Me ne frego' meaning 'I do not give a damn'. Mussolini had an iron rule over his people where men were forced to fight for him.
Through a fascist Dictatorship, much like Hitler ruled Germany. As a matter of fact, the two men admired each other a great deal.
Mussolini :)
Hitler copied Mussolini's fascist party
In October Mussolini ordered an attack on Greece, which resulted in the lost of 1/3 of Albania until Hitler assisted in the attack on Greece. In June of 1941 Mussolini then declared war on the Soviet Union as well as a declaration of war on the United States in December. The Italians were defeated time and time again and this had most people turning against Mussolini. On July 25, 1943 King Vittorio Emanuele III summoned Mussoloni to his palace and notified him that he would no longer have any power. Mussolini was then arrested and kept in isolation in Central Italy.
Answer this question…Mussolini did not make persecution of Jews a key part of his ideology.
Benito Mussolini is famous for being a fascist dictator in Italy during World War II. Beniito Mussolini is known for making deals with Adolf Hitler during his reign.
Mussolini killed 500,000 people.
No, Mussolini was executed by his own people. They hung him with piano wire
No, but Mussolini did blow up other people in WWII
Benito Mussolini
Mussolini killed many people throughout WW2
Jainism appeal mostly to the lower class people
in cities, on people
Many people were scared of Mussolini. He was on Hitler's side and attacked different races and types of people. He was a very malicious man who was most likely not pleasant.
he dislike you :D
Mussolini has a rare eye disease that allowed him to give powerful and intimidating stares. He also rallied a strong band of followers who scared lots of people. As a child, Mussolini was violent and attacked other children with a penknife, which caused him to get kicked out of several schools. Mussolini also has charisma and waqs extremely smart, which made people listen to him.