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World War 2....effected thethe world by helping all the Jews.. (Jewish)stop Adolf Hitlier from killing all the Jews because of religious value.Fourtenaly,the Allies (Americans) came and wen't to arrest the Nazis.Hitlier killed himself due to him being in jail for life. After news that HItlier commited suicied,all the Jews were set free.Now all the Jews are alive :>)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Probably, the biggest impact was in the labour market. With the men all away fighting, women were recruited into a wide variety of professions to which they would have had no access earlier. Engineering was one, in particular, and women were recruited to fly the aircraft, new from factories, to the receiving squadrons. (Look up Air Transport Auxiliary for info). Factories that had never seen a woman on the workfloor were suddenly inundated, and the most famous group became known as the Land Army; where women started to become farmers in their own right, performing all farm-related tasks in an effort to keep the country fed.

Once peace was declared, women were most reluctant to return to their 'traditional' jobs...

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βˆ™ 9y ago

When speaking about the US economy, World War Two beginning in 1939 brought to the US from Europe, a demand for military and other types of products used by England and France. Factories were buzzing with activity to keep up with demand, the economy was doing fine. When the US entered the war, the demand by the US government increased factory orders and the draft found "work" for thousands of men and women. The end of the war also brought in dividends. Since so much of industry was destroyed by the war, US manufacturing was able to supply so many of the products the Europeans were unable to produce on their own. In short the war was a plus for the US economy and the Great Depression ended.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

There are many different ways. Ask the veterans, ask the wives of war, ask anybody who was living at that age and can remember how it was back then.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Some of the NFL (National Football League) players were probably drafted into the military.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

The UN was created after WWII

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βˆ™ 4y ago

they were separated from thier pearents

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