World war 2 destroried louisianas whole intire life and all the zomblies!!
east baton rouge
Up till the second world war, Europe was at the centre of world power. After world war two this power shifted to the USA and the USSR.
It forced the Germans to fight the war on two fronts.
See the related site below which is a great site from the BBC about South Wales during the bombing in World War 2.
It helped win the war
how did war effect people
The Effect it had On the Us was taxes
we ate poopsicles for months after world war two
east baton rouge
cause: more than 10 countries to be at war Effect: U.s. is feared around the world
Hannah gravener did all the fitting in world war 2
Many were put off until after the war
The operation let the Allies win world war!
There dads were different and they were not accepted with normal society.