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The airplane came into use in the early 1900's. The early airplanes were very fraile and were limited in their speed, range and maneuverability. So, there is no history of aircraft used in war prior to WW1. By the time WW2 arrived, the airplanes had advanced by leaps and bounds from 1918 to 1938. The airplanes of WW1 were generally bi-planes(2 wings) that were made of wood trusses with fabric laid over this and glued in postion. By the time of WW2, there were very few bi-planes and most were made of all aluminum with aluminum skin. If there were any fabric covered parts, it would be the flying controls surfaces. The aircraft of WW1 were powered by engines that had very poor thrust capacity and the ratio of thrust to its weight was about 1.0. Most propellers were made of laminated wood. The limited thrust meant that the aircraft was not capable of performing some of the simplest of aerodynamic maneuvers. It was not uncommon for a plane to stall and spin out of control and not recover. By the time of WW2, the engines were more powerful and much more reliable. As WW2 progressed, the propellers were made of all metal and the pilot could vary the pitch of the blade to obtain the most efficient thrust. These advances allowed the aircraft to climb rapidly and sometimes almost vertically and have sufficient power required to perform loops and rolls needed in combat. The armament in WW1 was limited to 1 or 2 machine guns that fired at 150 to 250 rounds per minute. During the peak of WW2, the figthers were armed with 6 to 8 machine guns that were larger caliber and fired much faster. Some had additional armaments of cannon---even though some WW1 aircraft used cannon, too.

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17y ago
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10y ago

The appearance of airplanes had a moderate impact upon World War I. They provided new and much improved reconnaissance capacities for ground troops; they served as an irritant (later, as a serious nuisance) to enemy soldiers and supply units; they also initiated independent bombing campaigns of enemy rear areas, including ports and industrial centers. All of these functions were merely introduced, not perfected, in the First World War.

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13y ago

It was the first war to include air combat. Originally airplanes were used merely for observation, and pilots on opposite sides would actually wave to each other as they passed. Finally one pilot carried a pistol, and took potshots at an enemy plane, and things went from there.

they started using airplanes in world war one. basically they were used at first to spy on each other to find out their next move. it was used to photograph the enemy's area to find out what they were doing. At first it was all very friendly then as the war went on they started taking shots at each other all because they wanted to make sure the pilot didnt return with the pictures they took in order to stop the other side getting back to the headquaters to develop th pictures they took.

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14y ago

The Great War (it's original name until WWII came about) was not totally different from all other wars. In fact, other than tanks, airplanes, submarines, and gas (chemical warfare), WWI (the Great War) was almost a replay of the 1904-1905 war between Russia and Japan. Germany, among other nations, studied the Russo-Japanese War and utilized it's lessons learned for the future "trench warfare" and "artillery and machineguns usage" for the 1914 World War. Said another way, the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, was the first large war of the 20th century, was a precursor to WWI; this includes the naval battles for both wars.

With that said, WWI was the first war utilizing mass aircraft in combat (WWI was not the first time airplanes were used in combat), the first with mass sub warfare (WWI was not the first use of submarines in war), WWI was the first war to use tanks and heavy doses of chemical warfare. Contrary to popular belief, as stated earlier, trench warfare and machineguns (which are the traditional trademarks that WWI is famous for) were used "en mass" during the Russo-Japanese War, 10 years before WWI.

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15y ago

The use of airplanes in WWI changed the way war was fought. Originally the WWI planes were used for reconnaissance. They discovered planes could be used as bombers and fighters. They developed into machines that could attack from the air with the fifty millimeter Browning automatic gun. They could sink ships, destroy military installations, destroy planes and cities. Eventually the missiles were developed and aerial attacks could be precise. Now we can use jets and missiles to attack targets miles away without the airplane coming close to the target. Once jet engines were developed air transportation for commercial use went from propeller planes that could only carry a limited amount of passengers or cargo to jet planes that could carry hundreds of passengers and tons of cargo. Air travel changed the world to being a world where countries could be global in its endeavors and travel was only a matter of hours versus days or weeks by ship. An exceptional contribution to progress for a plane with two or three wings.

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15y ago

The first carrier war. Naval battles were fought for the first time in the skies with flying machines.

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Warfare on land, warfare on water. Now warfare in the skies.

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The Earlier ones had planes

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10y ago

People got small dicks

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Q: How did airplanes impact World War 1?
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In world war 1 what was the impact airplanes hadon modern welfare?

Opened a new dimension in warfare: the sky.

In World War 1?

300,020 airplanes where used in World War 1

In world war 1 what was the impact airplanes had on modern welfare?

The race to build newer more modern air forces (for WWII).

Why did World War 1 use airplanes?

i think why they use airplanes toprotect them

How did World War 1 change the nature of warfare?

World War 1 introduced aerial warfare with airplanes and trench warfare

What impact did airplanes have in World War I and World War 2?

Impact of Airplanes in the World WarsThey did not have much or enough impact on world war 1 because you could say they were still in experimental stages. In the 20 years that followed a lot of countries sought to improve the airplanes and airforces because they realized the impact it could have on a battlefield. In World War II they had a massive impact; Germany and Japan suffered from the power of the planes more than any other countries. Airplanes could destroy any target seen; other planes, ships, tanks, buildings, bunkers etc. Also, the combined allied airforce ran into the hundreds of thousands, so they would not produce that many if they were not having an impact. The American airforce alone had around 85,000 aircraft and 8,500,000 men during World War II.

Where were airplanes used during World War 1?

there were no airplanes in the word war 1. __ The use of airplanes in the military pre-dates WW1. Airplanes were used for recon, bombing missions and fighters.

What was inside the world war 1 airplanes?


What were the theories of the use of air power in World War 1?

Before World War 1, airplanes were used for recreation. However, during World War 1 airplanes were used for reconnaissance and spying on the enemies. Airplanes were also used as fighter jets and as bombers. Airplanes changed warfare greatly and allowed for blitz attacks and air warfare.

How role airplanes do in World War 1?

Reconnasissance (scouting).

What were airplanes in World War 1?

flying machines aeroplanes

How did airplanes changed World War 1?

cause it flys