He did not die in the popular version but he does die in the alternate ending.
duface, sant, bart, nana, billy the wimp, haterd, fater, willy, pies, dlly, bulls, vaginer thouse are the names of the 12 pepal in the gang triying to blow up palament and sqash and sqish the king the crod goes LONG LIVE THE KING the gang go DIE THE KING
Billy Graham did not die, and as of January 2016, Billy Graham is still among the living, having now lived 97 years here below. I am sure he is looking forward the grand meeting with his Savior, Jesus Christ and also his reunion with his wife Ruth, who passed away in 2007.
The queen and king went underground ... While they left the civilians to die.
billy yank was on the confederate side
Billy King - cricketer - died in 1987.
King billy was a protestant king who ruled england. he was also know as king william, king of oranges.
Billy King - cricketer - was born in 1902.
Billy King - footballer - was born on 1920-08-17.
King Billy was born 16 Novemeber 1650 in hague
Billy T. die this morning June 28,2009
no, billy ray Cyrus did not die, are you stupid
Billy Ray Cyrus didnt die
No, Billy Rae Cyrus did not die, thank god!!!!!!
Billie Jean King was born on November 22, 1943
what did he die from
Billy the Kid Billy Joel Billy Bob Thornton Billie Holiday Billie Jean King