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Watch or read War Horse.............. sums it up pretty nicely.

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Q: How did people treat horses in World War 1?
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Were horses killed in World War I?

8 million horses were killed in world war 1

Were horses in World War 2?

Yes, They were extremely useful in World War 2 and people who were fighting or battling would use them daily.

Where horses or donkeys used in World War 2?

Mainly horses were used in World War 2. But donkeys were used in World War 1.

Were horses used in World War 2?

Yes, They were extremely useful in World War 2 and people who were fighting or battling would use them daily.

How did horses use machine guns in world war 2?

they never did it was the people who did all the shooting :)

Who took horses to war?

Everyone in the world has used horses for war at some point in history. Horses have been an invaluable help in developing the world and in warfare.

What were horses fed in world war 1?

War is hell for everybody but the horses that were used during the war were treated well.

Did they use horses for world war 2?


What did World War I horses look like when they had mud on th em?

World War 1 horses when muddy looks like an muddy horse..

What did horses do in World War 2?

Horses carried supplies , as gasoline became very scarce the were ridden. as food supplies dwindled ,people ate horse meat.

How did horses get abroad in world war 1?

by swimming

How did they get around in World War 2?

They walked or they had horses