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worl war 2 was faught in kokoda thasts is where we lost most of how man worl war 2 was faught in kokoda thasts is where we lost most of how man

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15y ago

The atom bomb caused the cold war.

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Q: How did the end world war two caused the cold war?
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How has the end of the cold war reshaped global politics?

It was the end of two superpowers, leaving the US as the sole superpower of the world It was the end of two superpowers, leaving the US as the sole superpower of the world

What was the Cold War what caused the Cold War and why was it Cold?

Cold war was a war of threats, politics between democratic west and communist east. It was caused by the end of WWII with the emergence of two super powers America and the USSR, and their opposing ideologies. It was called a cold war because there were no occasions of direct armed conflict between the super powers.

What two policies signal the beginning of the end of the cold war?

When lesbians ruled the world and had crazy orgys all day err'day.

Will smallpox vaccine help with cold sores?

No. You can still get cold sores if you have had the chickenpox vaccine. Chickenpox and cold sores are caused by slightly different types of viruses in the herpesvirus family. Chickenpox is caused by varicella zoster virus, and cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus.

What caused the world war to happen?

World War 1 was caused by two terrorists. World War 2 was caused by some Fanatics.

Tension between which two blocs caused the Cold War?

Eastern and Western

Will the world end in two years?

No one knows when the world will end.

Which country dropped the atomic bomb in the cold war?

No nation dropped an atomic weapon during the cold war. The cold war is not the same as World War 2. Two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan by the US at the end of World War 2. The cold war is called 'cold' because it was not an actual armed conflict. It was a period marked by a conflict of ideologies, propaganda and fear.

At the end of World War 2 there was only one superpower Who was it?

Funfact: The end of World War II saw the rise of TWO superpowers: The US and the Soviet Union. That's why the forty years of glaring at each other and spying is considered a Cold War instead of two countries not liking each other.

What are two different deserts that exist in the world?

The two classifications of deserts are hot and cold.

What does cold war and war war 2 have in common?

World War Two was an origin of the Cold War.

What caused the bomb droppings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The world war two