Congress used the Ku Klux Klan Acts to indict hundreds of Klansmen throughout the South. After 1872, on account of the federal government's readiness to use legal action, there was a decline in violence against Republicans and African Americans. The hatred may have been contained, but it was far from extinguished. Smoldering beneath the surface, it would flare up in the coming decades.
Many Canadians, especially Quebecers, thought that the federal government of Canada reacted very uneccesarily to the cicumstances by allowing police to do pretty much what they wanted. Many were arrested without legitimit cause, and many thought the police took advantage of this act. The act was put into place to contain the seperatist situation, but instead, it fueled seperatism in Quebec further.
they react so aggressively and almost lead to destructive war
They never actually did anything until 1945 and that was when most of the camps had killed all the Jews.
they cheered for her
he shot his foot off
Answer this question… Mandela concluded that protestors must consider violence as a response to violence on the part of the government.
The freedom riders forced the federal government to react
The freedom riders forced the federal government to react
How did the mexican government react to the founding of liberty?
To meet violence with no violence means to react to violent acts by peaceful problem solving techniques. This techniques include peaceful protests and sit-ins.
Had to immediately react to violence.
Factory owners reacted with violence
They wanted the Articles of Confederation revised
They wanted the articles of confederation revised