You'll either have to know programming and hack the game, or only pay some money and play stick empires - chaos empire.
I don,t think anyone has unlocked the chaos empire in stick war 2except for crazy jay he is thecreatorof thestick wars.
Yes there is going to be a stick war 3.
Ottoman Empire
Actually, not one but two countries were at war with France. The most prominent was the then German empire which fell apart after the war and the Austrio-Hungary Empire which also met its demise after the war. France also fought the Ottoman Empire in the middle east.
When is war ever a good thing?
I don,t think anyone has unlocked the chaos empire in stick war 2except for crazy jay he is thecreatorof thestick wars.
You get it when you unlock War.
what is the password for the stick war 2 order empire on line
7th of November 2014 its called stick wars chaos ahead
yes stick war or stick war 2
Five Empires went into the war, and only one came out intact - the British Empire. Three were dismantled because they were on the losing side - the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian (Hapsburg) Empire, and the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire. One fell apart under the tremendous demands and the enormous losses of the war, disintegrating into revolution and chaos - the Russian Empire.
War+Nuclear bomb=chaos Chaos plus order equals void
War+Nuclear bomb=chaos Chaos plus order equals void
it is because you need to purchase the : Dawn of war Dark Crusade in order to unlock Tau and Necrons. Dawn of war Winter Assault to unlock Imperial Guards and at last Dawn of war ( The First Game ) to unlock Space Marines , Chaos , Eldars and Orks And after that you will need the Keycode of all of them and activate each one when the time appropate
Hold x while you go to options and type in 0779836512/monkey, trust me it'll work
Dark elves, High elves , Bretionion , skaven , Dwarfs, beasts of chaos ,deamons of chaos, wood elves, Orks & Goblins ,Tomb king, The empire, lizzardmen, and warriors of chaos... Oh and Orges... Yes they can all mix. Its called Dogs of war. Under rare choies.. i think. WAIT.. bretionion cant have any mercinaries(dogs of war)... but yeah...
An empire is an empire, a war is a war.