Californians lose money because of yellow star thistle. We lose about 65 mil. dollars a year because they take all our ground water.
The yellow star of david had the word "Jude" on it as a symbol of Nazi Persecution. It was also used to make Jews recognizable.
they make 200 a years
money more available for farmeryouFarmers wanted it, because it would make money more available
He made one because he wanted to help people with there travels. He also wanted to make a helicopter because he thought it would be fun.Another reason is because he probably wanted to make money and when you make something big you get money from it. *don't take this answer I guessed on it.
The five star general make around 536k- 800k a month.
Milk thistle can help alleviate itching due to poor gall bladder function
Go fishing
The man in the yellow suit wanted to make money from the spring water by selling it to others.
They make 500 gay mans per hour and everyone is yellow
You don't make money by donating blood. You only make money by selling your blood plasma. Blood plasma is the yellow and protein-like component of your blood.
Yes,but not all some feel no affects at all
To make milk thistle tea, steep 1-3 tsp of dried milk thistle seeds or crushed seeds in hot water for about 10-15 minutes. You can strain the seeds or leave them in the tea. Sweeten with honey or lemon if desired.
it's an abortificient --it can make you lose the baby
Yellow and green make Yellow-Green
Sugar..................................Lemons..................................Ice...........................Money (THIS DOESN'T DO ANYTHING BUT MAKE U LOSE THE GAME LOL)