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A 'muzzle loader' is any firearm (or cannon) which does not have a breech mechanism and which is 'charged' (loaded with powder and shot) from the muzzle end of the barrel.

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12y ago

It works like a musket but smaller parts. It takes gun powder and takes a lead ball and you put it down there with a steel rod. Then you cock the hammer back and your ready to shoot it

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Why was a breechloader better than a muzzleloader?

because they were easy loaders and that is what u needed during the civil war since u did not have much time before someone shot u.

How accurate is a 19th century muzzleloader?

The 19th century muzzle loader was quite inaccurate. This is because there is no rifling in the barrel. Rifling is the grooves in the barrel that cause the ammunition to corkscrew and the bullet fires straight and true(er).

Who made the muzzleloader?

Answer Muzzleloader refers to any firearm that uses black powder as a propellant and is loaded from the muzzle end by ramming the powder and bullet down the barrel. The first use of firearms date back to the Chinese, I believe, many years before the American Civil War. The rifles used during the Civil War were built by several companies, such as Springfield Arms in MA. The US government issued contracts for a specific design that was given a model number that was usually the year the weapon was designed. For example, the Model 1861, 1863 & 1864 were made by several different manufacturers that included:Eagle ManufacturingNorwich ArmsC.B. HoadAlfred Jenks & SonProvidence Tool Co.Amoskeag Manufacturing CoJ.D. MowryEli WhitneySavage Arms Co.E. Remington & SonEdward RobinsonColt's Patent Fire Arms Co Arms were imported from Europe for both the Union and Confederates. The most popular was the Enfield, but there were also ones produced by Austria, Belgium, Prussia.

Did evacuees work?

some had to work

What work did prisoners have to do?

hard work...