The glass would be less likely to shatter from the concussion of bomb blasts nearby.
The atomic bomb made countries be less eager to go to war. The threat of the bomb was too great, as many lives could be instantly lost in the hands of the wrong people.
limpy the lion
The Liitle Boy caused more damage because the city of Hiroshima was in a flatter landscape. The Fat Man of Nagasaki was less devastating because that city is in a "bowl". The mountains surrounding that city helped to contain some of the force of the bomb. It could not spread out as much as the Little Boy did.
Bad AnswerJul 16 1945 Trinity 19 Kilotons TestAug 6 1945 Little Boy 15 Kilotons Bombing of Hiroshima, JapanAug 9 1945 Fat Man 21 Kilotons Bombing of Nagasaki, JapanGood AnswerI assume when you say "the atomic bomb," you're talking about the ones dropped on Japan during WWII. The numbers above have nothing to do with the weight of the bombs used--they're the equivalence of TNT to achieve the same blast. The weight of the bombs dropped were a little less than five tons (ten thousand pounds) each, but most of the weight was casing and other material. The actual material that exploded only weighed a few pounds. Today, tactical nuclear bombs weigh less than a hundred pounds and can be carried and set up and used by a single soldier.
to make the atom bomb seem less threatning.
i dont fckin know...
to make the atom bomb seem less threatning.
limpy the lion
The radioactive material in the bomb is kept apart and are less than the critical mass until they collide into each other. EGHS Ftl
The U.S believed that by dropping the Atom bomb, less casualties would be taken rather than a full fledged invasion of the island.
They are the same kind of bomb: bombs that derive their energy from the atomic nucleus. It just depends on design and how much of the design yield is from fission or from fusion. Pure fission bombs cannot be built with yields above 1 megaton, but including some fusion the theoretical yield is unlimited.However considering mission, construction costs, size limits, etc. it is usually more practical to build low yield bombs that are part fission part fusion than to try to build high yield bombs of either type.The lowest yield nuclear bomb tested was the US Davy Crocket at 10 tons yield, the highest yield nuclear bomb tested was the USSR Tsar Bomba at 52 to 58 megatons yield (depending on method of measurement). Both were part fission part fusion designs, although the designs were obviously very different: the Davy Crocket was almost entirely fission yield, the Tsar Bomba was over 95% fusion yield and generated the least fallout per kiloton yield of any nuclear bomb detonated in the atmosphere.
Science is destructing and less constructing. For Example 1) Atom Bomb is a scientific destructive device. 2) Information Technology is used to construct it.
Yes, because each hydrogen atom has less mass than each lead atom.Yes, because each hydrogen atom has less mass than each lead atom.Yes, because each hydrogen atom has less mass than each lead atom.Yes, because each hydrogen atom has less mass than each lead atom.
Chlorobenzene is less reactive than benzyl chloride because the chlorine atom in chlorobenzene is less polarizable than the bromine atom in benzyl chloride. As a result, the chlorine atom is less prone to nucleophilic attack, making chlorobenzene less reactive.
The glass would be less likely to shatter from the concussion of bomb blasts nearby.
An alpha particle, which is the nucleus of a helium atom.