They did not burn it....the Confederates did it.
Richmond, Virginia and the president was Jefferson Davis this was the capitol and president of the C.S.A. when the south had seeded before the civil war
In order that he could capture the city of Richmond VA
South of the city of Richmond, VA. (the capital of the Confederacy) was the city of Fredericksburg. General Grant had to go through Fredericksburg before he could get to Richmond.
To prevent attacks by, British, Eastern Woodland indians and other close-by enemies.
108 miles
depends Where in Afghanistan? To Richmond North Yorkshire? Richmond, MO? Richmond, VA ? Which Richmond?
about 2 hour drive and 100 mile from fair fax to Richmond
The shortest driving distance is 100 miles.
It is 189 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 98 miles or 157.68 in kilometers by car.
Hickory,North Carolina to Roanako,VA
26 miles
About 130 miles.
It is 107 miles according to Google Maps.
About 95 miles.
204 miles VIA US 460 East