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About 40 miles south of the DMZ

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Q: How far is phu bai from the dmz?
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What is distance from Hue Vietnam to Phu Bai Vietnam?

12 miles south of Hue

Who was the second maintenance Bn Phu Bai Vietnam?

the US Army's 2nd maint bn was stationed at vung tau until aug 69 when it moved to I corps. HQ and main support co was stationed at the phu bai airport- which is now an international airport.

Where was the 158th helicopter assault bn In Vietnam?

The best way (other than the "Order of Battle Vietnam" book) is knowing what division it was assigned to. And divisions moved around a lot in South Vietnam; if the 158th was with the 101st Abn Div (Ambl) in '70, '71 then it was in I Corps at Phu Bai (which had Camp Eagle & Camp Evans as part of the Phu Bai command).

Where was the 578 LEM located in Phu Bai?

It was located on HWY 1 and just over the train track on the left side of the road as you were headed from Phu Bai to Hua. It was on the mountain side of the road opposite the air based. It must have been just a few miles from Hua. I drove past the imperial capital in Hua many times driving first over the bridge and turning left through the small town.

What did Phu Bai have to do with the Vietnam War?

Phu Bai was a small enclave in Thua Thien Province due South Quang Tri Povince on Highway One. Phu Bai was originally home to a small Army Security Agency unit known as Detachment J, 3rd RRU. Quartering party elements of this unit arrived there in January, 1963. Much later, in March, 1965, General Westmorland ordered the Marines to establish it as the second Marine Corps camp in Vietnam. A thousand Marines spent a month there digging in and filling a million sand bags before Westmorland allowed them to move out and head for areaslike Gio Linh, Con Thien, Cam Lo and Khe Sanh. It grew to be quite a large base, with excellent riverine facilities. But after the Marines left, it was under Army control. In Marine lore it was the Acapulco or Venice that the Marines built as an Army rest home. This is an exaggeration, as is often the case in Marine Lore. The Army was there long before the Marines and remained after they left. It wasn't, but it was a constant thorn in the heel of the Marines that toiled there in the sand bag capitol of Vietnam.**********************************Phu Bai was a village in Vietnam that was the location of a large military base.Phu Bai was the location of Camp Hochmuth. Major General Bruno A. Hochmuth , was a Marine killed in combat just north of Hue.In 1968 it was the location of PCV HQ, Provisional Corps Vietnam. It later became the HQ of XXIV Corps which was responsible for all of the units in the northern 2 provinces of I Corps Tactical Zone. XXIV Corps was under the command of III MAF HQed in Da Nang. It was located next to the Hue-Phu Bai airport just south of the City of Hue where the old Imperial palace is located at the Citadel.Under XXIV Corps were the 1st Air CAV, Div. , 101 st Airborne Div., the 3rd Marine Div and the 1st ARVN Div. as well as many subordinate units, such as aviation, arty, SOG units, signal, medical and opcon infantry units. Towards the end of the war, HQ XXIV Corps was relocated to Da Nang, and eventually stood down, retiring its colors to Hawaii (I believe).GRS Added:I was stationed in Phu Bai for 16 months. Jul-'68 to Nov-'69 at G2 XXIV Corps. Phu Bai was hit by 122 mm rockets many times during my tenure there. In June 1969 Phu Bai was attacked with 122s which destroyed the PX complex. A 122 wiped out an entire 204 MID hooch. Luckily all the occupants were at work in HQ building. The 204th perimeter was also hit one night, but no one sustained and serious injuries, just some scratches and bruises. No penetrations that I know of.

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What is the name of Hue's largest airport?

Phu Bai International Airport.

What is distance from Hue Vietnam to Phu Bai Vietnam?

12 miles south of Hue

Did phu bai have a landing strip?

Phu Bai had become a very large military installation by 1969. I was put there and I left from there 431 days later on a C-130. I was assigned to the 101st at Phu Bai, and I recall the morning I heard the sound of distant jet engines ramping up. I was surprised to see a Boeing 727 taking flight over the tree line about 2 1/2 miles away (but still within the confines of the Phu Bai installation. The plane was operated by So VN for indigenous folks that were well-off. Prior to that morning the largest plane I had known to land/depart from Phu Bai was the C-130. Those occasional 727s that came and went had to come in and leave at a pretty high angle- certainly nothing like what a US passenger would tolerate- the kind of take-off or landing the C-130 does routinely. Of course, Phu Bai was loaded with every variety of helicopter, certainly in the hundreds in number- but, then again, we were the 101st Airborne, and, as I recall, two or three of our infantry divisions were HQed there. At night on the bunker'perimeter line, because of the terrain and a large swamp between our segregated compound and the "airport" we could see the lighted larger buildings- hangers- where mechanic operations would take place. Phu Bai was a big place. By 1970, Charlie and the NVA didn't mess with Phu Bai beyond occasional harassment mortars- it wasn't prudent for lots of reasons. And Laos/Cambodia channels were only a few miles away (VN is very narrow in the location of the DMZ where Phu Bai was. Remember: major military confrontations had taken place In/around Hue in the TET of 1968 (18 months earlier and just a few miles away) with lots of lives lost by everybody. The VC had largely moved away form our AO, but for the harassment role. Thus, the RSVN felt okay to fly 727s in and out- not sure how "regular" was their schedule.

Who was the second maintenance Bn Phu Bai Vietnam?

the US Army's 2nd maint bn was stationed at vung tau until aug 69 when it moved to I corps. HQ and main support co was stationed at the phu bai airport- which is now an international airport.

When did 3rd marine division headquarters move to phu-bai?

The 3rd Marine Division moved its headquarter to Phu Bai from Da Nang in October of 1966. This was due to an order given to commanding general Lew Walt to strengthen the areas just south of the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone.

How far was Camp Page from DMZ?

40 miles

Where was the 158th helicopter assault bn In Vietnam?

The best way (other than the "Order of Battle Vietnam" book) is knowing what division it was assigned to. And divisions moved around a lot in South Vietnam; if the 158th was with the 101st Abn Div (Ambl) in '70, '71 then it was in I Corps at Phu Bai (which had Camp Eagle & Camp Evans as part of the Phu Bai command).

Where was the 501st Infantry Regiment Stationed during the Vietnam War?

The 1st and 2nd (strike) battalions of the "O" Deuce (502nd) were at Phu Bai (I Corps) from '69/'70 until '72. They were spread out (putting out fires) in the southern portions of South Vietnam prior to those years.

Were there any major attacks on Phu Bai in the early 1970?

Things were pretty calm in '70 in Phu Bai AO (Area of Operation). You had to "look" for a fight in those heavily congested US areas in 1970. Or...go into the I Corps AO near the Laos border (Khe Sanh, Rock Pile, Lang Vei, etc.) or Con Thien (US Army names: A4 and C2 Firebases) AO near the DMZ, didn't have to look for a fight (trouble) in those places...the NVA were in those regions and they would hunt GI's!

How far is Phu my from ho chi min city?

About 90 km.