A telegram was written on paper that was transmitted over telegraph wires to a office and had to be delivered. Telephone is direct talking to another person.
The so-called "Long Telegram" was sent during the Cold War, by George Kennan. He sent it from the United States Embassy in Moscow to Washington DC. The length of his message was about 8000 words, making it a much greater length than the typical telegram, which was rarely more than 75-100 words.
The Novikov telegram was sent in 1946
Telegram Sam was created in 1971.
Columbus Telegram was created in 1874.
The Zimmermann telegram.
telephone is better than a telegram because it gives urgent or immediate reply to our message and also it cost less than a telegram.
No, he invented the telephone.
telephone and telegram personal visits still letters
Telephone Telegram Radio Letters
telephone and telegram personal visits still letters
telephone, telegram
Postal mail, telegraph/telegram, courier, telephone...
Message runners, semaphore, letter and note delivery and telegram.
The word telephone has three syllables. Tel-e-phone
A telegram, a telephone, a computer, a semaphore, a telegraph.
televisiontelekinesistelepromptertelepathytelephonetelecasttelecastingtelecastertelecomstelepathytelegraphtelescopetelephoneif u r stuck for more then just look in a dictionary, if u don't have a dictionary then look at a online dictionary