Dysentery is a bowel infection caused by a pathogen. Bacterial, viral or protist.
Poor hygiene and camp sanitation contributed to the high rate of disease during the US Civil War.
Dysentery and Typhoid.
hello, I don't know. Goodbye :)
No one killed Akbar. He fell ill with an attack of dysentery on 3rd October 1605 and never recovered from that. He died on 27th October 1605.
Amoebic dysentery caused by amoeba and bacillary disentery caused by Bacteria `shigella'
Dysentery is caused by bacteria in bad drinking water.
They are caused by protozoa. Amoebic dysentery is caused by Entamoeba hystolytica. Malaria is caused by one of the four Plasmodium species.
Pioneers got dysentery from dirty water and food. When they digested the bacteria, they got very sick and got dysentery.
amebic dysentery
Cholera and dysentery are both gastrointestinal diseases caused by bacterial infections. The main similarity is that they both lead to severe diarrhea and dehydration. However, cholera is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, while dysentery is caused by various bacteria, parasites, or viruses. Additionally, dysentery typically involves blood or mucus in the stool, while cholera does not.
Amoebic dysentery (as the name suggests) is caused by a micro-organism, called an amoeba, which is found in contaminated and stagnant water.
Amebic Dysentery
sounds like dysentery.