The COLD WAR lasted from approximately 1945 until 1990. "Cold War" meant that no war was being fought, as in another world war such as WWII had been. If the "Cold War" had turned "HOT" then that would have been WW3. The Cold War was a non-shooting war (no WW3), between the Communist world and the Free world. The communists tried to enlarge their powers by fighting with the use of surrogates in "relatively" limited wars, Korea (1950-1953) & Vietnam (1961-1975). Since these were communist attempts of take over, and they occurred during the cold war, these two limited wars, are often referred to as, "HOT BATTLES" of the cold war. The communists failed in Korea, but succeeded in Vietnam.
The Vietnam War was part of the cold war! The United states and various western European countries began a policy of communism. Vietnam (south-East Asia) was part of the communism party (political party, Vietnam) Whilst the United states were Capitalists; they were against communism! Both, Vietnam and the cold war was a fight against communism and to stop the spread of communism! America did not want the communist north to invade the south of vietnam.
Vietnam was a shooting war (a hot war). A cold war is a NON-shooting war; a cold war is a "stand-off" between two (or more) adversaries. Technically, Vietnam, being part of the cold war...communism verses the free world...the Vietnam War was a "Hot BATTLE" of the cold war.
Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the "Cold War". The Korea was the first "hot" battle of the "Cold War."
Yes, part of the cold war.
Vietnam War, the second "hot" battle of the Cold War.
Part of the cold war.
Vietnam was a hot battle of the cold war.
Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
The Cold War; Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
The Cold War. Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
Vietnam was PART of the cold war; the cold war lasted from '45 to '90.
The Vietnam War was part of the cold war.
Vietnam was part of the cold war.
Cold War.
The Vietnam War was part of the cold war. The cold war was between governments (Nations/Countries).
Hawks believed Vietnam was a crucial front in the Cold War
Vietnam war