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You had to wait till the Allies arrived.

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Q: How long did it take do get saved in the Holocaust?
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When were the Jew's saved from the Holocaust?

Generally they would have been saved during the Holocaust, assuming that you are asking when Holocaust victims were saved from the Holocaust.

How long did it take the US to stop the holocaust?

4 years.

How long does it take to go through the Holocaust museum?

Depends on how fast you walk.

Why were people cremated in the Holocaust?

In the holocaust the corpses (dead bodies) of the victims were often cremated (burnt) after they had been gassed. It saved space.

Why did people take so long to react to the Holocaust?

People didn't want to believe it.

What nation saved almost all its Jewish population during the holocaust?


What did Adolf Hitler do with the Holocaust?

He stuck it in his back pocket. and saved it for later Have a nice day =]

When did the truth of the holocaust get out?

it did not take long, the news got out whilst it was still occuring. The point was that people did not believe it.

How long did it take to reach the concentration camps in railcarsduring the holocaust?

anything from two hours to ten days.

Why were some Non-Jews named Righteous Gentiles?

Because they saved Jews during the Holocaust.

How long did it take for the germans to decide that they were going to kill the jews in the holocaust?

Quite a long time, the decision was made after they actually started killing.

Where are the surviors for the Holocaust?

their werent alot of people who got saved in the holocaust they were in hiding anywhere really far away from where the holocaust had occurred but right now at this time the survivors are dead and survivors were really lucky that they didnt get killed by Hitler