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The Holocaust took place from about 1940 to 1945, the international conflict was the Second World War.

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Europe, the early 1940s.

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Q: When did the holocaust take place and what international conflict was going on?
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What international conflict was going on during the Holocaust?

The Holocaust took place during World War 2.

Where did the holocaust conflict take place?

The Holocaust was not a conflict, it was entirely one-sided, but it took place in Europe.

Where did the conflict of the holocaust take place?

there was no real conflict of the Holocaust, it was very one-sided, but it took place in occupied Europe.

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I am not quite sure what you mean by the Israeli conflict, since Israel is involved in numerous conflicts, both national and international. However, there is a high likelihood that the "Israeli conflict" is taking place in Israel.

Where Nazis part of the Holocaust?

Everywhere that the Holocaust took place.

Who do you think would be targeted next if another holocaust took place?

It depends how you define holcaust. However, if you must know, there is a current holocaust going on in Darfur, Sudan. or just google darfur.

What continent did the holocaust occur?

The Holocaust took place in Europe.

Which 2 countries are in a conflict?

Unfortunately, there are more than two conflicts going on. There is an ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. In addition, there is a major conflict taking place between Russia and the Ukraine.

How many places did the Holocaust take place?

The holocaust took place in Germany and in German occupied parts of Europe.

What are some famous trials that took place during the Holocaust and after the war in germany?

In and after World War II, numerous trials took place in military and in civil courts on both sides of the conflict. As few trials of a legitimate sort took place in relation to the Holocaust while the war was ongoing, it is the Nuremberg Trials after the war that are rightly considered to be most famous -- and important. Taking in place in 1945 and 1946, these trials brought numerous Nazis and other Germans to court for their participation in war crimes and other wrongdoings, such as the Holocaust genocide.

When did the conflict of the take place?

The P'Radikus Conflict happened in 1990.

Did the Holocaust happen in Florida?

No. The Holocaust took place in Europe between 1941 and 1945.