Eisenhower sent US Military advisers in '55; the US Embassy was evacuated in '75.
The US is not at war Iraq. The US was at war with a nation called North Vietnam.
They are still there they were the victors in the war with the US and now rule Vietnam.
Like the US Civil War in the 1860s the Vietnam War in the 1960s divided America.
The US is NOT at war with Iraq. The US was at war with North Vietnam.
The United States did get involved in the Vietnam war because of communism in Vietnam.
US Military personnel were in Vietnam from 1955 thru 1975.
War in RVN (South Vietnam) since 1955. War with North Vietnam since 1964.
Since 1955.
{| |- | The US involvement in Vietnam began in the 60's. The French had been involved in the war for a long time. Vietnam War went forward for a decade. |}
The US has been fighting in Afghanistan longer it was fighting in Vietnam. It is the longest war in US history.
We were at war with Vietnam because they disagreed with us about something.
The US is not at war Iraq. The US was at war with a nation called North Vietnam.
The US is not at war with Iraq. The US was at war with North Vietnam.
See website: Vietnam War
They are still there they were the victors in the war with the US and now rule Vietnam.
None. The US is not at war with Iraq. In Vietnam, the US was at war with North Vietnam.