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No American Soldiers died during the cold war.
No American Soldiers died during the cold war.
Don't tell that to the relatives of MAJ Rudolf Anderson, an USAF U-2 pilot shot down and killed by Soviet SAMs over Cuba, on Oct. 27th, 1962, or to the relatives of Jack D. Lively, killed in the shoot down of an US Navy P2V reconnaissance aircraft by Soviet fighter planes near Vladivostok, USSR, on October 4th, 1951. Like these two, I can write here thousands more who died in similar circumstances during the forty-plus years that the Cold War lasted. To say that "No American Soldiers died during the Cold War" is nothing short of irresponsible. It's like saying that no American soldiers died during the Korean War. It took this country 50 years to acknowledge that fact. I only hope it doesn't take the American people another 50 years to acknowledge that the Cold War was indeed a war, that more than 20 million members of the US Armed Forces took part in it, of which many thousands more paid the ultimate price for the victory obtained when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, and when the Soviet Union collapsed on December 25th, 1991, Christmas Day.
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Q: How many American Soldiers died during the cold war?
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