It is estimated that the number of Americans who were killed during the Civil War were 620,000. Many more have died in other wars and conflicts.
To date, the number of American military troops who have been killed is 1,321,612. The American Civil War was the deadliest with 625,000 American troops killed. On top of those killed, there are 38,159 who have gone missing.
It is estimated that about 1/3 of the approximately 180,000 African Americans to enlist in the Civil War were casualties. The approximate number of African Americans killed during the Civil War would thus be around 60,000.
The American Civil War was the deadliest war in American History. About 620,000 individuals lost their lives during the Civil War. Confederate deaths were 260,000 of which 93,000 were killed in combat, while Union deaths were 360,000 of which 110,000 deaths were in combat. Disease was the major cause of death in the civil war. Out of 620,000 deaths, 417,000 were from diseases while 203,000 were killed in combat. In total deaths the American Civil War was the deadliest war in American History with over 620,000 fatalities. Although in combat related deaths World War II remains the deadliest conflict with 292,000 combat deaths (416,000 total). (see the related link)
It wasn't that slaves were killed during the war, but some were forced to fight during the war.
Approximatel 620,000 soldiers were killed during the American Civil War. There are no accurate figures of the number of civilians killed.
There were many civilians killed during the Civil War. When Federal forces shelled Atlanta, many civilians were killed, just for one example.
There were 110,000 killed in civil war!!!! Im positive
to many about 111,111,119,000,000
The term "people" implies civilians; that figure would have to be researched. As for men killed during the US Civil War, for both sides, approximately 800,000 men were killed on the battlefields. Far more than that died from diseases.
Estimates suggest that between 6,832 and 7,937 priests and members of the Catholic hierarchy were killed during the Spanish Civil War.
Apprxomimately 164,000 Confederate soliers died from diseases during the American Civil War.
To date, the number of American military troops who have been killed is 1,321,612. The American Civil War was the deadliest with 625,000 American troops killed. On top of those killed, there are 38,159 who have gone missing.
Approximately 360,000 Union soldiers died during the American Civil War.
it's about 125.000 Russians was killed during the Russian civil war
There were only two casualties at the Battle of Fort Sumter at the beginning of the American Civil War. Both were Union Soldiers. One was killed during a planned 100-gun salute, and one was killed during evacuation. There were no Confederate casualties.