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It is estimated that about 1/3 of the approximately 180,000 African Americans to enlist in the Civil War were casualties. The approximate number of African Americans killed during the Civil War would thus be around 60,000.

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11y ago

About 600,000 for the entire war (of course, this includes both sides, since both were still American).

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i wish all of them but sadly only like...8

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Q: How many African Americans were killed during the Civil War?
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the civil war had many effects on the civil war white women lost many people close to them and African Americans often would be beaten and or killed if they where to give any information to union soilders the civil war had many effects on women and African Americans. white women lost there husbans and relitives and African Americans would be beaten and our killed if cout giving information to union soilders


African Americans could not join until after the Emancipation Proclamation.

How Many African Americans Died In the Civil War?

About as much toes and fingers of 100 people.

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Why did African Americans want to enlist during the civil war?

The civil war was about slavery so aferican Americans would enlist to fight for their freedom

Why were African Americans treated unfairly during the Civil War?

African Americans were brought over as slaves. That is more that unfair treatment. Some were convinced that African Americans were less able than Caucasians.