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Several hundred. I do not know if the Germans ever mounted a thousand bomber raid, which the Allies certainly did in retaliation. Also the Germans did not have a 4 engined bomber, excepting the He 177, (4 engines driving 2 airscrews !) & their aircraft did not carry the devastating response of the RAF & USAAF later in the war.

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There were dozens of different bombers. At least 30 that I can think of easily. In WW2 possibly the most famous were the British Lancaster, the American B-17 Fortress and the German Heinkel 111.

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Q: How many German bombers were there in the blitz?
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What are the Names of German bombers in the blitz?

The Junkers but its also called the German dive bombers! :)

How many people died in the Blitz?

roughly 32,000 people were killed 87,000 seriously injuredalso around 2 million houses (60%) were destroyed140,000 people by german Henkiel bombers.

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The blitz sirens went off when radar detected enemy bombers approaching.

What is the German meaning of blitz?

"Blitz" in German translates to lightning or flash.

What do the German call the blitz?

Blitz is the German word for Lightning: Blitzkrieg being Lightning War.

Where did the word blitz come from?

Blitz is the German word for lightning.

What does the word blitz mean and where does it come from it come from ww2?

The word blitz is German for lightning. It was originally used to describe a new German tactic of rapid , all-conquering invasion which was called blitzkrieg or lighting war. When the Germans started to bomb British cities the British used the word blitz jokingly to describe the nightly raids of German bombers which killed thousands, mostly women and children, and destroyed huge areas of Londons crowded East End.

The German bombing of London was called the?

The Blitz also known as the Battle of Britain.

How called it the Blitz?

Blitz is short for Blitzkrieg, German for lightning war

What year did German bombers drop bombs on London?

German bombers bombed London from 1940 right to 1945.

How do you spell thunder and lightning in German?

Blitz und Donner

Why does blitz have a name?

The Blitz is called the Blitz because the term 'Blitz' is short for Blitzkrieg and means Lightning war in German. Your Welcome <3